060717W-A Scriptural View of Alcohol.mp3

Posted on 13 Jun 2017, Pastor: Dr Gregg Nash

There are 162 references to alcohol in the Bible. That is more scripture than will be found on the subject of lying, adultery, swearing, pride, cheating, stealing, hypocrisy and even blasphemy.

According to the Word of God, the evil effects of strong drink fall into four separate categories: (1) the physical, (2) the mental, (3) the spiritual (moral), (4) and the material.


  1. Inflames the passions (Isaiah 5:11)
  2. Inflames the eyes (Genesis 49:12; Proverbs 23:29)
  3. Leads to sickness (Hosea 7:5)
  4. Causes one to stagger (Job 12:25)
  5. Causes one to vomit (Isaiah 19:14)
  6. Weakens the vision (Isaiah 28:7; Proverbs 23:33)
  7. Leads one to wounds without cause (Proverbs 23:29)
  8. Produces filthiness (Isaiah 28:8)
  9. Produces giddiness (Proverbs 23:34)



  1. Impairs the judgment (Proverbs 31:5; Isaiah 28:7)
  2. Impairs the memory (Proverbs 31:4, 5)
  3. Infuriates the temper (Proverbs 20:1)
  4. Exhilaration (Genesis 43:34)



  1. Leads to indifference for the work of the Lord (Isaiah 5:12)
  2. Is allied with gambling and licentiousness (Joel 3:3)
  3. Is allied with indecent exposure (Genesis 9:21; Habakkuk 2:15, 16)


MATERIAL (Prosperity and Happiness)

  1. Immediately:
  2. makes one oblivious of his misery (Proverbs 31:6, 7)
  3. makes glad the heart (Psalm 105:15)
  4. Ultimately leads to:
  5. ruin (Proverbs 23:32)
  6. poverty (Proverbs 21:17; 23:21)
  7. strife (Proverbs 23:29, 30)
  8. woe and sorrow (Proverbs 23:29, 30)